I have trouble executing code that I have written in notepad++. As from what I have researched online, I should edit path in system variable to this C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319. I have already changed it and it's still not working. After I type in test.cs, a windows form will pop up stating that windows can't open this file. Here is an image of my command line:
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Hands-on Exercises Complete the hands-on exercises to reinforce concepts learned during the presentation. Presentation (20:40) View the presentation by stepping through each unit independently. Technical Solutions Director Steve Carr explores the design considerations, tools and techniques you can use to proactively ensure the performance of your deployed solution. (Version 5.4) the complete course transcript.
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Here is also the small code that I have written:
After compiling you c# file, execute it by just typing the name in your command prompt. Don't use extension again. Just type
after compiling successfully in your cmd prompt, and you'll be fine. You can also use
to run it instead of just test.
As I can see from the image, don't type test.cs. Instead type test and it will execute. test.cs is a c# prograram file and it can be opened in visual studio or notepad or can be compiled but can't be executed. It can be executed only after compilation. Compilation will give test.exe as an output and to run test.exe you can mention either test.exe or just test.