VMware ESXi 4.1 - Update of VMware Tools Failing with 'Setup cannot continue. The Microsoft Runtime DLL installer failed to complete installation.' I've also been trying to download VMware, and get the same issue.' Set-up cannot continue. The Microsoft Runtime DLL Installer failed to complete installation'. Microsoft support. Try the VMware Tools installation again. Did this solve your. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link. Click Start > Run, type regedit, and click OK. Navigate to: Double-click the CommonFilesDir key, and edit the Value string to reflect the valid drive letter. Click File > Exit to close the Registry Editor. To enable the windows installer service: Click Start > Run, type services.msc, and click OK. Right-click Windows Installer, and then click Properties. If the Startup type drop-down list is set to a value of Disable, select the Manual option from the Startup type drop-down list. May 6, 2014 - Unfortunately, I was unable to install the VM Tools and the error was. The Microsoft Runtime DLL installer failed to complete installation”. Vmware tools microsoft runtime dll installer failed to complete installation.