Here are some things you need to know when you decide to drive across the Mexican border. It’s easy when you know how.
In addition to obtaining the FMM (Visitor’s visa) at Immigration when you cross the border, you will also need to obtain a permit for your vehicle. Note! Make absolutely certain that you stop at and obtain your vehicle permit, otherwise your car will not be legal.
Important NOTE! On occasion people accidentally drive all the way to Lake Chapala with just a Visitor’s Visa for themselves and no permit for the car. We have heard several stories where these people drove all the way back to the border (two days drive there and two days drive back) to get the vehicle permit so their car would be legal during their stay in.
It’s a game of chance!
What to Expect at Mexican Immigration and Customs
You will get either a green light to pass without inspection or a red light, which means a customs officer will inspect your luggage and may ask if you have firearms, drugs, certain electronics and other items that are not allowed or cannot be imported duty-free. Don’t worry. It is a simple procedure.
Many people are intimidated at the prospect of going through an inspection and therefore are paranoid about getting the red light. You guessed it. If you are focused on not getting the red light, invariably you will get red.
Our advice – think green and be calm. In our years of living in Mexico, we have traveled a lot, both by air and car and perhaps only once or twice have we got the red light. We think green and it works.
Although it is not difficult to drive into and through Mexico once you know the correct procedures, many people prefer to fly in the first time and learn all the nuances and then they feel more comfortable driving the next time. Of course, we will be the first to tell you the best way to get all the accurate information and total peace of mind is to first take the Focus on Mexico program, after which you’ll feel very confident knowing you have all the information, knowledge and experience to handle most any situation, plus you’ll have our personal phone number to contact us should you run into trouble along the way.
(Note! If you have already booked on our program and plan to drive down, please let us know and we can send you travel information in advance. Email us at
Happy Traveling!